The Earth Sheltered Body Factory

Academic Year: 2013/2014

Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Tadi

Co-supervisors: Prof. Gabriele Masera, Prof. Angela Colucci

Authors: A. Talkhan, M. H. El-Nashar, Y. Naseem

Earth Sheltering rapidly gained interest both as a conservation method and as an alternative life style. From that, the growth of the earth sheltered facilities has been witnessed recently, as it gives the solution for the dilemma of providing long term humanity needs, along with responding to the recent shortage of capital energy resources. But, as a construction technique, it is dealing with unusual constrains including physiological, lighting and ventilation, undesired effects and impacts, which are completely different than the ones related to the traditional above ground structures. It also encompasses other severe technical aspects, with respect to the soil loads, humidity, dampness, toxic gases penetration, air/water tightness, etc,. In view of above, it was required to come up with passive natural means and technological advancements in assisting the proposal to achieve sustainability. Our proposal focuses on creation of a sustainable-transformation scheme, based on the Therapeutic and Eco-tourism vision, including but are not limited to comprehensive techniques using earth sheltering, renewable energy, green envelope, effective lighting and ventilation tools starting from the urban planning integrating with the confined architectural and technological detailing.

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